Spokane Info December 23, 2022

What Is The Population Of Spokane?

Spokane is a city located in the state of Washington in the United States. The population of Spokane is around 250,000 to 700,000, depending on how you define the city and its surrounding areas.

The city of Spokane itself has a population of 227,579, while the county of Spokane has a population of 541,188. This means that if you include the surrounding areas and suburbs in your calculation of the population of Spokane, you will get a higher number. However, if you just consider the city limits of Spokane, the population is around 227,000.

When comparing Spokane to other cities with similar populations, it may not seem as large. Tacoma, for example, has a population of 221,000, Seattle has 776,000, and Boise has 229,000. However, one reason why Boise may seem larger than Spokane is because it has a much larger metropolitan statistical area, meaning that it is spread out over a larger area.

The density of each city can also be a factor in how crowded it feels. Seattle and Tacoma have densities of 4,446 and 9,260 people per square mile, respectively, while Spokane has a density of 3,309 and Boise has 2,748. This means that even though Seattle and Tacoma have smaller populations than Spokane, they may feel more crowded due to the higher density of people living in a smaller area.

In conclusion, the population of Spokane depends on how you define the city and its surrounding areas. While the city of Spokane itself has a population of around 227,000, the county of Spokane has a population of over 500,000. When compared to other cities, the density of each city should also be taken into account to understand how crowded it feels.

Here are some internet links with Spokane weather conditions:

